March 2022

We Kiss After a Month Apart

“It is so good to hear your voice,” Jan said as I stood in the hospital’s lobby, dropping off lunch. “I have good news. Dr. Strair said you can come to visit me tomorrow.” I am sure she said more, but between our mutual tears and the ambient noise of the hospital, all I could say and hear were a crescendo of mutual love messages.

Except for three days, she had been in the hospital for a month.

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Jan Becomes a Mother Again 
We Become a Family of Four

“You have a beautiful, healthy baby boy,” said the Midwife. Jan was smiling and squeezing my right hand so hard I was afraid she would cut off the circulation. I looked at the clock on the wall. “My sweetheart, It’s four am! I am glad we left the house when we did.”

As the Midwife handed me our second son, she said, “If you had waited any longer, he would have been born in the car.”

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The Jan Lilien Education Fund!