A Dancing Yahrzeit Candle

Estimated reading time: 12 minutes, 12 seconds

On Jan Lilien’s 3rd Yahrzeit,
A Ritual Helps Me Embrace the Future!

The soft, flickering glow of the Yahrzeit Candle paints a poignant tableau on the walls, ceiling, and floor of my kitchen, creating a serene atmosphere. For the last two years, I’ve placed this candle before a photo of my beloved wife, Jan. Tonight, I’ve encircled it with three images that capture precious moments of our sons, their wives, and our two grandchildren. Each image is a gateway to a cherished memory, stirring a deep nostalgia and a profound love that defies time constraints. Have you ever found yourself lost in a sea of photos, searching for the perfect ones? As I was doing so, I realized that I still had thousands of digital pictures of Wes waiting to be printed and framed. Keeping up with the life changes requires time and effort.

Half an hour after sunset, I took a moment to switch off all the lights and gazed at the photos and the gentle, flickering glow of the Yahrzeit Candle. In the room’s stillness, the dancing light no longer seemed like a carefully choreographed performance but more like the dots and dashes of Morse Code. It brought back memories of my attempts, as a young Scout, to decipher those same patterns into English, albeit with little success. The thought that the flickering light might be trying to convey a message beyond my understanding lingered in my mind. Like any widow, I longed for it to be a love letter from my late wife, Jan, reaching out to me from the beyond. If only such a miraculous connection were possible.

My stubborn streak kept trying to fathom meaning from the candlelight. After an hour, I was about to turn the lights on and proceed with relaxing and reading when it dawned on me that the message might be more substantive than an “I love you” from Jan. On the day before lighting the candle, I observed Cranford’s Memorial Day ceremony. A high school student recited the Gettysburg Address, a task I did myself decades ago. With its powerful words, this address always reminds me of the importance of unity and the need to carry on the legacy of those who came before us.

One powerful excerpt from the speech resonated deeply when Lincoln stated, “It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work.” This phrase underscored the importance of ensuring that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” While this is undeniably important, those of us who have experienced the loss of loved ones also feel a profound sense of duty, responsibility, and unfinished business to attend to. Could it be that God is reminding me of my unfinished work? If this aligns with Lincoln’s sentiments, I must focus more on Tikun Olam, the Jewish concept of repairing the world. This commitment, made in my youth, fills me with a renewed sense of hope and purpose, guiding me through the darkest of days.

Jan's Second Yahrtzeit

Sitting in the dark, I pondered the message God might be sending me. In preparation for the Yahrzeit, by selecting photos, I intended to pay tribute to Jan’s memory while navigating a future in which she no longer physically exists yet continues to shape our lives through the enduring impact she has made in our hearts and memories. In the initial stages of widowhood, I discovered that while tears may provide some relief for the pain in my heart, they cannot bring her back. All I can do is look ahead, strive to become the best version of myself, and ensure that our sons, their partners, grandchildren, friends, and neighbors continue to cherish her memory. If I can accomplish this as an ordinary individual, it will be a testament to the love and happiness she brought into our lives.

Standing up from the comfort of the couch, I was astonished by my bold conviction as a man who had grappled with agnosticism for most of his life, now interpreting a divine message. In the three years since Jan’s passing, I have embarked on a personal journey of faith, becoming a regular attendee of Friday night services and acknowledging God’s existence despite lacking a rational explanation. Now, two pressing questions weigh heavily on my mind. How have I managed to discover faith amidst my lingering uncertainties? Furthermore, having accepted that God has bestowed upon me the ability to hear, embrace, and walk into the future, how should I approach the remaining days and nights of my life? This introspection, born from my journey, fills me with wonder and contemplation.

Driving Home From the Farewell Dinner

A gentle spring drizzle caressed us as Jan and I left the Forsgate County Club after the Monarch Farewell Dinner. I kissed Jan and suggested she wait under the awning while I fetched the car. Stepping away, I realized the rain was warm, light, and refreshing. When I returned to the awning, Jan quickly seated herself in her Prius. “Thanks,” she said as she fastened her seat belt. Before I started the car, I took her hand and said, “Thanks for being by my side tonight!”

Jan Lilien and Richard W. Brown
Jan Lilien and Richard W. Brown.

You did an amazing job. Many people told me it was the best speech they had ever heard.” Though uncertain about the assessment, I was relieved that the formal dinner was over. The nervousness that had plagued me since I woke up had dissipated, much like the rain that no longer necessitated the use of windshield wipers.

I learned a lot I did not know about you,” she said. I do have some questions, but for now, there is one we can talk about on the way home.”

I shrugged, and she continued, “You’ve been attending services with me for decades, but you never mentioned that you’re Jewish.”

Merging onto the NJ Turnpike northbound car lanes, I explained that I was a man of faith, and then, to lower the tension, I said, “I am also faithful.” Jan responded that she knew I had been faithful but reminded me that was not the question she asked.

Even though I wasn’t born into the Jewish faith, I’ve always been someone who questions and seeks to understand rather than blindly accept things,” I explained. Faith has constantly guided me in life, empowering me to overcome challenges, experience personal growth, and strive to positively impact the world around me.

I’m aware of that, but you never mentioned being Jewish before tonight.

I identify as Jewish because the only place I have worshiped for decades is in a synagogue.

Have you thought about converting?

We had arrived in Cranford, and I dropped her off at the door to our home. We can talk more when I return from parking the car.

The stroll back to my place was peaceful, and I took slower steps than usual. Upon reaching home, I went upstairs to the bedroom, only to find Jan undressed.

I was just about to put on my nightgown,” she smiled.

I smiled and embraced her as Jan dropped the nightgown. That night, and on every subsequent occasion, we never finished that conversation, as her diagnosis of lymphoma completely altered the course of our lives.

Three years after her passing, I wonder what Jan would think about my consistent attendance at Friday night services.

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Corey Fah Does Social Mobility

Read: February 2024

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Corey Fah Does Social Mobility

by Isabel Waidner

Today, I began reading “Corey Fah Does Social Mobility: A Novel” by Isabel Waidner. The book is about Corey Fah, a writer whose novel has just won the Fictionalization of Social Evils prize. Despite this achievement, the trophy and funds with the award still need to be in reach. The novel celebrates radical queer survival and challenges false notions of success.

Corey, their partner Drew, and their pet spider, Bambi Pavok, embark on a quest to find an elusive trophy with neon-beige color and UFO-like qualities. This journey takes them back to their childhood in the forest and includes a stint on a reality TV show. While facing the horrors of wormholes and time loops, Corey discovers the difference between a prize and a gift in a complex way.

Following the Goldsmiths Prize–winning Sterling Karat Gold, Isabel Waidner’s bold and buoyant new novel is about coming into one’s own, the labor of love, the tendency of history to repeat itself, and what ensues when a large amount of cultural capital is suddenly deposited in a place it has never been before.

Mercy Street: A Novel

Read: February 2023

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Mercy Street: A Novel

by Jennifer Haigh

Mercy Street: A Novel by Jennifer Haigh is a tense, riveting story about the disparate lives intersecting at a Boston women’s clinic. The novel was named Best Book of the Year by the Washington Post, the New Yorker, and the Boston Globe. Mercy Street is a novel for right now, a story of the polarized American present. Ms. Haigh is a gifted storyteller who has written a very readable book that I highly recommend. 

I truly enjoyed Mercy Street. I had read her short story Zenith Man, and I enjoyed her storytelling skill and wanted to read her most recent novel. Until the last few pages, I was unsure how Ms. Haigh‘s intricate storylines could conclude the story. Usually, I can predict how a story will unfold well before I finish reading it. Mercy Street was a rare exception to that rule.

I have never had to run the gauntlet in front of a women’s clinic, but Ms. Haigh has made that experience so real that I could taste it. The day-to-day work of the staff and the clients was detailed and believable. The male characters, Timmy, the affable pot dealer; Anthony, a lost soul; and Excelsior11-the screenname of Victor Prine, were drafted n a credible way.

As stated earlier, I highly recommend this book.

The Goodreads summary provides an overview,

Claudia has counseled patients for almost a decade at Mercy Street, a clinic in the city’s heart. The work is consuming the unending dramas of women in crisis. For its patients, Mercy Street offers more than health care; for many, it is a second chance.

But outside the clinic, the reality is different. Anonymous threats are frequent. A small, determined group of anti-abortion demonstrators appears each morning at its door. As the protests intensify, fear creeps into Claudia’s days, a humming anxiety she manages with frequent visits to Timmy, an affable pot dealer amid his existential crisis. At Timmy’s, she encounters a random assortment of customers, including Anthony, a lost soul who spends most of his life online, chatting with the mysterious Excelsior11–the screenname of Victor Prine. This anti-abortion crusader has set his sights on Mercy Street and is ready to risk it all for his beliefs.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Zenith Man

Read: February 2023

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Zenith Man, Inheritance #4

by Jennifer Haigh

Tonight I read Zenith Man by Jennifer HaighA 911 call begins the story. A man reports his wife had died, but no one knew he had a wife. For thirty-two years, they had been married, and only one person had seen her, but only for a minute when she said: “supper was ready.” I read the first page and immediately found myself with a short page-turner that I could not stop reading. I recommend Zenith Man.

Actual events inspired this story. For many decades, many acquaintances of Jan and mine had no idea we were married. Once they found out, the response was, “we should have known as the two of you are perfect for each other.” But they knew we were married and had met both of us.

Being a widow, I found this phrase in the story emotional and very moving.

“She was a good woman,” Harold told Cob Krug. “I was lucky to have her. I promised to keep her in sickness and in health, and that’s what I did.”

Is there anything more that can summarize the love between two people?

I highly recommend Zenith Man, part of Inheritance, a collection of five stories about secrets, unspoken desires, and dangerous revelations between loved ones. Each Inheritance piece can be read or listened to in a single setting. By yourself, behind closed doors, or shared with someone you trust. Zenith Man is the fourth one in the series I have read. The previous three were Everything My Mother Taught Me, Can You Feel This?, and The Lion’s Den.

I have enjoyed all four and look forward to reading the final one.

Now that I have read Ms. Haigh’s short story, I have added her newest novel, Mercy Streetto my queue.

The Goodreads summary provides an overview,

Whatever had been going on inside the shuttered old house, the couple who lived there kept it to themselves. Among the locals, there’s only chilling speculation.

Neighbors are shocked when Harold Pardee reports his wife dead. No one even knew the eccentric TV repairman was married. Within hours, horrible rumors spread about what that poor woman must have endured for thirty years. Until the Pardees’ carefully guarded world is exposed. New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Haigh delivers an endearing short story about our misguided perception of strangers, the nature of love, and the need for secrets.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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A Sovereign People: The Crises of the 1790s and the Birth of American Nationalism

Read: February 2019

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A Sovereign People: The Crises of the 1790s and the Birth of American Nationalism

by Carol Berkin

A Sovereign People: The Crises of the 1790s and the Birth of American Nationalism by Carol Berkin, Presidential Professor American Colonial and Revolutionary History; Women’s History Professor at Baruch College, focuses on four crises in the first decade. Most historians view these are part of the early partisan debates in America.

Professor Berkin takes a different perspective. She focuses on how the Whiskey Rebellion, the Genet Affair, the XYZ Affair, and the Alien and Sedition Acts helped build nationalism. Despite the partisan divisions, both sides could find solutions that helped America survive its first decade. The failure to resolve anyone of these could have doomed America to failure.

The Federalists – Washington, Hamilton, and Adams – were the leaders of that first decade and managed the successive crisis of sovereignty.

A Sovereign People is one of four books from my first One Day University class.


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Parable of the Talents

Read: January 2024

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Parable of the Talents

by Octavia E. Butler

This morning, I completed reading Octavia E. Butler‘s acclaimed post-apocalyptic novel Parable of the Sower and immediately started reading its sequel, Parable of the Talents, initially published in 1998. This second book is even more relevant today than it was back then. The novel’s timely message of hope and resistance in the face of fanaticism is shockingly prescient.

In 2032, Lauren Olamina survived the destruction of her home and family. She envisioned a peaceful community in Northern California, which she established based on her newly founded faith, Earthseed. This new settlement provides a haven for outcasts who face persecution following the election of an ultra-conservative president. The new president pledges to “make America great again,” but the country becomes increasingly divided and dangerous. Lauren’s subversive colony, a minority religious faction led by a young black woman, becomes a target for President Jarret’s oppressive regime characterized by terror and discrimination.

In the future, Asha Vere discovers the journals of her mother, Lauren Olamina, whom she never met. As she delves into her mother’s writings, she grapples with the conflict between Lauren’s responsibilities to her chosen family and her mission to guide humanity toward a brighter tomorrow.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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The Amen Effect

Read: March 2025

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The Amen Effect

by Sharon Brous

Sharon Brous, a prominent American rabbi, argues in The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Heal Our Hearts and Mend Our Broken World that the essential spiritual work of our time—though instinctual and often countercultural—focuses on connecting through celebration, sorrow and solidarity. We must support each other in times of joy and pain, embrace vulnerability and possibility, nurture relationships with shared purposes, and create communities centered on care.

From one of our country’s most prominent rabbis, this is an inspiring book about the power of community based on one of her most impactful sermons. What will it take to mend our broken hearts and rebuild our society in a time of loneliness, isolation, social rupture, and alienation?

Brous contends that honoring our most basic human instinct—the yearning for authentic connection—is the way to reawaken our shared humanity and begin to heal. This kind of sacred presence is captured by the word amen, a powerful ancient idea that we affirm the fullness of one another’s experience by demonstrating, in body and word: “I see you. You are not alone.”

An acclaimed preacher and storyteller, Brous pairs heart-driven anecdotes from her experience building and pastoring to a leading-edge faith community over the past two decades with ancient Jewish wisdom and contemporary science. The result is a clarion call: the sense of belonging engendered by our genuine presence is a social and biological need and a moral and spiritual necessity.

With original insights and practical tools, The Amen Effect translates foundational ideas into simple practices that connect us to our better angels, offering a blueprint for a more meaningful life and a more connected and caring world.

As she writes in the preface, after listing the joys and pains of life, weddings, births, and death,

It’s in these times that I feel the weight of the work, the privilege of being alive, the blessing of being so close to such raw beauty and pain. It’s there that I have learned the power of saying ‘Amen‘ to one another’s grief and joy, sorrow and celebration with our very presence. Of bearing witness to profound suffering and protesting injustice with our very presence. Of comforting and consoling, surviving and thriving with our very presence. What I’ve learned, during the years, is the meaning of sacred companionship. I have seen, in ways subtle and pronounced, a longing to connect with others who can help hold the pain, a need to share what we’ve learned in the trenches, and a desire to give, even when we ourselves have barely caught our breath. And I have seen how knowing that we’re not alone can both heighten our joy and help us endure unimaginable hardship.

Click here to read about my experience listening to Rabbi Brous at the Kol Tzedek Speakers Series at Temple Emanu-El in Westfield.

Sharon Brous is the senior and founding rabbi of IKAR, a leading-edge Jewish community based in Los Angeles, and the author of The Amen Effect: Ancient Wisdom to Heal Our Hearts and Mend Our Broken World, a national bestseller.

In 2013, Brous blessed President Obama, and Vice President Biden at the Inaugural National Prayer Service, and in 2021 returned to bless President Biden and Vice President Harris and then led the White House Passover Seder 2021 and the Hanukkah candle lighting with the Vice President and Second Gentleman in 2023. She was ranked as the number one most influential Rabbi in America by Newsweek/The Daily Beast. She has also been recognized by The Forward and the Jerusalem Post as one of the most influential Jews alive today. Her work has appeared in prominent publications such as The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post. Additionally, her TED talk, “Reclaiming Religion,” has been viewed by over 1.5 million people.

Brous is in the inaugural cohort of Auburn Seminary’s Senior Fellows program, which unites top faith leaders working on the frontlines for justice. She sits on the faculty of REBOOT and serves on the International Council of the New Israel Fund and the national steering committee for the Poor People’s Campaign.

A Columbia University graduate (both undergraduate and M.A. in Human Rights), she was ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary and lives in Los Angeles with her husband and children.



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