June 2024

Publicly Mourning
Helped Me to Learn and Grow

It has been almost thirty-eight months since my wife passed away. Losing a loved one, particularly a spouse, is an experience no one would wish for. Atul Gawande wrote in “Being Mortal” that we have come to believe that every medical professional has a magic cure to prevent death or postpone it indefinitely. However, the truth is that death is one of the life cycle events encoded in our DNA.

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Three Years After
How Am I Doing?

On a significant note, I participated in the Passport to Wellness Walk this past Saturday, a community fundraising event sponsored by MHANJ. The message on my t-shirt, “Wellness—A Journey Worth Taking,” Resonated deeply. The compass symbol on the shirt, representing the essential elements of wellness, was a powerful reminder that we’re all on this journey together, striving for balance in physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, environmental, financial, occupational, and social aspects of life.

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The Jan Lilien Education Fund!