Is Grief Narcissistic?

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes, 52 seconds

Discovering Altruism as the Antidote to Love and Grief

“Can you please hold on for a moment? I need to make a quick phone call,” she asked. With my hand over the mouthpiece, I asked for a minute to handle the call. Since moving into Clara Martini’s Mansion, a one-bedroom place without heat or hot water, I had encouraged my colleagues to rent the larger apartment next door. Allowing their apartment to use the same phone number as mine was how I treated others as cousins. Until late November, I had not felt the need to make any calls, and the number of times people called for me could be counted on one hand. However, after meeting Jan, I constantly wanted to talk to her. What was supposed to be a minute-long interruption turned into over an hour. I realized that instead of being a considerate neighbor, I had selfishly focused only on my needs.

Kala: A Novel

I remember the evening when I stopped being altruistic and became a borderline narcissist after reading “Kala: A Novel” by Colin Walsh. Former friends, estranged for twenty years, reckon with the terrifying events of the summer that changed their lives. Three old friends are reunited in the seaside town of Kinlough, on Ireland’s west coast, for the first time in years. In the book, one of the protagonists, Helen, reflects on her grief about losing Kala, her best friend and falling in love. Helen says,

“Grief is like falling in love; it is always narcissistic. Some catastrophe cuts through your life, and immediately, you reshape the world to make this disaster the secret heartbeat of all things, the buried truth of the universe.

Falling in Love


After meeting Jan, my life changed drastically, like a whirlwind sweeping through a quiet town. Just a few days earlier, I had been going about my routine, unaware of the impending storm of emotions. When Jan and I finally embraced, our lips met in a deep, fervent kiss that left me breathless. It was a kiss that surpassed all our previous sweet moments, igniting a fire within me that left me feeling weightless, as if I were soaring through the air. It was a kiss so electrifying that I half believed it could have knocked my boots off if I had not been wearing them. In that instant, our love for each other was forever sealed.

Coming back to East Williamsburg on Monday morning after meeting Jan, I was on cloud nine. My smile was as wide as the Grand Canyon. As I walked into my basement office at St. John’s Lutheran Church on Maujer Street, I hoped others might be just as happy for me.

“We were a little worried when you didn’t return yesterday,” Mark laughed.

I had always wanted to be a bandleader, even without musical talent; I laughed and began leading them through the highlights of the last thirty-two hours. “After you guys left, we talked and cleaned up all night…” I told them about the bagel run, the Rose, walking over most of the City, and taking the Staten Island Ferry. I hoped they could see how happy I was in love.

They all congratulated me, and some gave me high fives.

By the end of the week, Vanessa, a neighbor and friend, spoke to me while I waited to board the subway to visit Jan. “We are all thrilled you have found love, but it is normal and not something people boast about.” I looked at her and felt dejected but did not know how to respond. She filled the empty void. People fall in love or get laid daily, but it is not…” The arriving train kept me from hearing the end of her comment. Riding the L train, I knew I had wanted to say that it wasn’t about getting laid but falling in love that made me happy. But I was not sure I wanted to admit we had only kissed. Switching to the A train, I felt relaxed and knew I needed to tone down my exuberance, but not how much I loved Jan.

I had long dreamt of finding genuine, enduring love, which finally became a reality. This experience taught me that love is a fleeting emotion and an everlasting force that outlives everything. As we parted ways for work, a tender kiss confirmed that our love is eternal. This transformative power of love, which transcends time and never fades, has inspired me to remain a romantic, helping me overcome the loss of my wife. It’s a comforting reminder that love, in its most valid form, never truly dies.

The First Widow

In the early days of grief,” I explained to Bruce, a retired Lutheran minister, “I felt as if my entire world had collapsed. I don’t believe I felt that way, but some widows act as if they were the first person in the world to lose a spouse.” Bruce chuckled as we walked. Imagine the first person to become a widow, to watch the first person die?” We both agreed it would have been shocking to find our partner had died when we had no idea that our lives would end.

As we turned a corner, I shared with Bruce, a retired Lutheran minister, that I was not the first or last person to become a widow. I had heard that approximately 2800 people become new widows daily in the US. ‘Wow, I did not know there were that many,’ Bruce responded. If we are to have love, it is a risk we must accept.’ I nodded and responded that none of us would live forever, and to choose not to love because I feared I might one day grieve was not logical. This shared experience of grief, this understanding that we are not alone in our loss, can bring us together and help us heal. It’s a reminder that we are all part of a larger community, and our shared experiences can be a source of strength and comfort.

When Jan died, I explained to Bruce that my life had collapsed as I did not know how I could live without her. Although I had not read Kala aa, it had not been published. I understood why Helen would describe how a catastrophe cut through my life, and immediately, I reshaped the world to make this disaster the secret heartbeat of all things.

I had been hurt, and I believed my life would never be the same again. I wanted everyone to focus on me as if I were the first person in the world to lose a loved one. When my boys were young, I played Oregon Trail with them. As much as I enjoyed being a pioneer in the game, I was not and did not want to be a pioneer in grief. But not knowing how to grieve or make myself whole again, for the first few months, I viewed my experience as a life-consuming tragedy. They were not the best days of my life, and I knew if I continued to talk only about my pain from losing Jan, my family, friends, and neighbors would see me as a grumpy old widow. I knew I had to change and focus not on my loss but on my better, selfless nature. We chatted until we returned home and had a glass of water.

Reflecting on that conversation with Bruce in May 2023, I understand that creating a memorial garden for Jan was a turning point in my life. Despite the considerable emotional and financial investment, I saw it as a crucial step in redirecting my attention from my concerns to the needs of others. The project kept me dedicated to a selfless endeavor. I chose to work to overcome my grief even though I had no experience or confidence it would succeed. It did more than succeed in creating the garden; it helped me to volunteer, immerse myself in books, spend time outdoors, and get involved in my community. I embraced the task of facing each day as it came, adapting to life without Jan. This process of overcoming grief, step by step, gave meaning and purpose to my shattered life, inspiring me to find resilience and a new sense of self.

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Fire Exit: A Novel

Read: June 2024

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Fire Exit: A Novel

by Morgan Talty

Today, I started reading the novel “Fire Exit” by Morgan Talty. The book is the debut novel of the award-winning author of “Night of the Living Rez,” Morgan Talty. “Fire Exit” is a compelling story that explores the themes of family, legacy, culture, and our complex obligations toward one another. These are themes that I have focused on after losing my wife.

The protagonist, Charles Lamosway, lives by a river near Maine’s Penobscot Reservation. He watches his neighbor Elizabeth grow up, from her early days to her twenties, but he holds a secret: Elizabeth is his daughter, a truth he can no longer conceal.

Charles becomes anxious when he hasn’t seen Elizabeth for weeks. As he tries to hold on to his home, look after his friend Bobby and his mother Louise, and grapple with his past, Charles is forced to confront painful memories and ask himself difficult questions. Is it his place to share the secret about Elizabeth, and would she want to know the truth even if it means losing everything she has ever known?

Great Expectations: A Novel

Read: March 2024

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Great Expectations: A Novel

by Vinson Cunningham

Today, I began reading “Great Expectations: A Novel” by Vinson Cunningham, a staff writer and theatre critic at The New Yorker. David, the protagonist, had seen the Senator speak a few times before my life got caught up, however distantly, with his. Still, the first time I can remember paying real attention was when he delivered the speech announcing his run for the Presidency.

Upon hearing the Senator from Illinois speak, David experiences conflicting emotions. He is fascinated by the Senator’s idealistic language yet ponders the balance between maintaining solid beliefs and making the necessary compromises to become America’s first Black president.

The book Great Expectations narrates David’s experience working for eighteen months on a Senator’s presidential campaign. During his journey, David encounters diverse individuals who raise questions about history, art, race, religion, and fatherhood. These inquiries prompt David to introspect his life and identity as a young Black man and father living in America.

Meditating on politics, religion, family, and coming-of-age, Great Expectations is a novel of ideas and emotional resonance, introducing a prominent new writer.

Absolution: A Novel

Read: November 2023

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Absolution: A Novel

by Alice McDermott

I started reading “Absolution: A Novel” by Alice McDermott today. The opening line immediately grabbed my attention: “You have no idea what it was like. For us. The women, I mean.” In most literature about the Vietnam War, American women, particularly wives, have been minor characters. However, in “Absolution,” they take center stage.

The book follows the story of two women, Tricia, a shy newlywed, and Charlene, a practiced corporate spouse and mother of three. They both found themselves in Saigon in 1963, forming a wary alliance. They balance the era’s mandate to be “helpmeets” to their ambitious husbands with their inchoate impulse to “do good” for the people of Vietnam.

Sixty years later, Charlene’s daughter reaches out to Tricia after encountering an aging Vietnam vet. Together, they look back at their time in Saigon, carefully considering that pivotal year and Charlene’s altruistic machinations. They discover how their lives as women on the periphery have been shaped and burdened by the same unintended consequences that followed America’s tragic interference in Southeast Asia.

This virtuosic new novel from Alice McDermott, one of our most observant and affecting writers, explores themes of folly and grace, obligation, sacrifice, and, finally, the quest for absolution in a broken world.

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Read: June 2023

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Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck

by Jenny Erpenbeck

I’ve recently delved into the captivating novel Kairos by Jenny Erpenbeck, which has left a lasting impression on me. The book tells the story of a young woman named Katharina who falls in love with a married writer named Hans, whom she met in East Berlin during the late 1980s. The historical context of Germany’s reunification is already an intriguing topic, but the addition of a love story made this book a must-read.

As their intense and complicated relationship plays out against the backdrop of a declining GDR, the novel offers a unique perspective on the tumultuous period following the country’s dissolution in 1989. Erpenbeck’s writing style is unmistakable, and her sweeping portrayal of the two lovers’ journey is truly remarkable. We witness Katharina’s growth as she tries to reconcile the reality of her lousy romance with the disappearance of an entire world and its ideologies.

The Times Literary Supplement has praised Erpenbeck’s ability to capture the weight of history and the influence of cultural and subjective memory on individual identity. Her work acknowledges the complexity of the human experience and the nuances of historical events.

Jenny Erpenbeck is an epic storyteller and a highly respected voice in contemporary German literature. Her translator, Michael Hofmann, has described Kairos as a great post-Unification novel, and his translation has been praised for being both faithful to the original text and beautifully written. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a thought-provoking and engaging read.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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The Breakaway: A Novel

Read: November 2023

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The Breakaway: A Novel

by Jennifer Weiner

Today, I started reading The Breakaway: A Novel by Jennifer Weiner, an inspiring new book about love, family, friendship, secrets, and a life-changing journey. The story revolves around 33-year-old Abby Stern, who is content with her life despite not having a steady career and living in a college-like apartment.

She cherishes her good friends, her bike, and the bicycling club in Philadelphia. Abby is comfortable with her plus-size body most of the time and is engaged to Mark Medoff, her childhood sweetheart, whom she met at a weight-loss camp that her mother dragged her to.

However, Abby can’t shake off the feeling that something is amiss, and she can’t forget the breathtaking night she spent with Sebastian two years ago. When Abby gets an unexpected invitation to lead a cycling trip from NYC to Niagara Falls, she gladly accepts, hoping to get away from Mark and reflect on her life. But things get complicated when she spots Sebastian in the group, and her mother, Eileen, whom Abby blames for her body insecurities, joins the trip at the last minute.

The strangers on the journey soon become friends, hidden truths come to light, and a teenage girl with a secret brings the riders together in ways they never imagined. As they travel over 700 miles, Abby must re-evaluate everything she thought she knew about herself, her mother, and the nature of love.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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The Passing Storm

Read: May 2022

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The Passing Storm

by Christine Nolfi

The Passing Storm by Christine Nolfi is a gripping, openhearted novel about family, reconciliation, and bringing closure to the secrets of the past. From the first chapter, it was a pageturner and a book that engaged me when I needed to focus on life’s challenges. I was looking for something different from my most recent books.

I very much enjoyed this novel. It is focused on losses, including one parent and a daughter. I had not anticipated that but found that Ms. Nolfi handled that in an empathic way that did not trigger my grief but helped me understand my grief. The primary characters Rae, Quinn, Connor, and Griffin are brought to life by the writer. It left me wanting to know what happens to them now that they have survived the early stages of grief.

The Goodreads summary provides a good overview.

Early into the turbulent decade of her thirties, Rae Langdon struggles to work through grief she never anticipated. With her father, Connor, she tends to their Ohio farm, a forty-acre spread that has enjoyed better days. As memories sweep through her, some too precious to bear, Rae gives shelter from a brutal winter to a teenager named Quinn Galecki.

His parents have thrown out Quinn, a couple too troubled to help steer the misunderstood boy through his losses. Now Quinn has found a temporary home with the Langdons—and an unexpected kinship because Rae, Quinn, and Connor share a past and understand one another’s pain. But its depths—and all its revelations and secrets—have yet to come to light. To finally move forward, Rae must confront them and fight for Quinn, whose parents have other plans for their son.

There might be hope for a new season with forgiveness, love, and the spring thaw—a second chance Rae believed in her heart was gone forever.


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