February 2025

In 2024, I Read
One Hundred Books!

Reading isn’t just about the number of books you devour; it’s about the joy of diving into new worlds and ideas. Can one ever read too much? I don’t think so, though I might have pushed the boundaries in 2024! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I could tackle a hundred books in a year? My journey into more frequent reading began after I retired from full-time work at the end of 2018. Before that, my literary consumption was modest, with a few books here and there, but my true passion lay in reading newspapers and in the pages of The New Yorker and The Atlantic. Now, I’ve opened the floodgates and embraced the adventure that reading brings!

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Humbled and Honored by
My Community

On the final Sunday afternoon of 2024, I stepped into the bustling New York City subway station at the World Trade Center for the number 2 train with my friend Arnold, the sounds of the city resonating around us. Excitement buzzed as we entered the subway station en route to catch the show “Welcome to the Big Dipper.” Just as I was maneuvering through the metallic turnstile, my iPhone chimed with an incoming call, slicing through the ambient noise of the underground station.

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The Jan Lilien Education Fund!