Compassionate Awareness
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 0 secondsMy family, friends, and the members of my Zoom and Signal support groups have been empathetic and supportive of me.
Without their support, I would not be where I am on my grief journey.
Today I re-read this short essay from Albert Schweitzer‘s Reverence for Life and was reassured that genuine kindness is possible if we do not allow our hearts to grow numb.
If only you would stop being thoughtless and stop flinching from the challenge to learn reverence for life and true empathy, if only you could be absorbed in compassionate awareness, I would rest content. – Albert Schweitzer
I often think about compassion and empathy, which often appear in short supply.
During Camp Widow, several people asked why I was so empathetic.
The simple answer is Jan’s love for me. The full explanation may require a whole post.
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