Do I Need a Bucket List?
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 34 secondsThe New York Times had a guest essay by Dr. Kate Bowler, an associate professor at Duke Divinity School, entitled “One Thing I Don’t Plan to Do Before I Die Is Make a Bucket List.” Dr. Bowler is the author of “No Cure for Being Human,” and this essay has been adapted. She provides an overview of how the phrase “bucket list” came to convey an unnecessary need.
After reading the essay, I found no answer to my question. I do not have or need a bucket list. I desire to live my life to its fullest potential!

The Desire for Life Itself
Estimated reading time: 0 minutes, 34 secondsIf you do not want to read the full essay, the closing paragraph sums it and explains my choice.
“There is nothing like the tally of a life. All of our accomplishments, ridiculous. All of our striving, unnecessary. Our lives are unfinished and unfinishable. We do too much, never enough and are done before we’ve even started. We can only pause for a minute, clutching our to-do lists, at the precipice of another bounded day. The ache for more — the desire for life itself — is the hardest truth of all,” writes Dr. Bowler.