Grateful Am I for the Gift of Life
Walking Every Day For 1,303 Days Has Filled My Life With Friends!
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 15 secondsEvery morning, I pause to soak in gratitude, whispering, “Grateful am I, Adonai, for the precious gift of life.” Today felt particularly special as the gentle rhythm of raindrops dancing against my windows stirred my appreciation for nature’s exquisite beauty, especially amidst the lingering drought.
As I swung my legs out of bed, I welcomed the new day with open arms, celebrating my 1,303rd consecutive day of walking. This daily ritual isn’t just exercise; it’s my way of connecting with the world around me and rediscovering joy in every step. Some might label it obsession, but it embodies a conscientious practice of resilient mindfulness for me. Each walk is a stride towards rebuilding my capacity to love deeply and lead a life of purpose.
Being Thanksgiving morning, I did not expect to see anyone else on my well-trodden path. Even without the raindrops falling on my head, I wondered why anyone else would be out walking. As I approached the intersection of Eastman and North, I spotted Chris with his beautiful Cocker Spaniel. With little traffic around, Chris never uses a leash this early in the day. He called his dog back as he raced towards me. I was wearing gloves to ward off the damp chill in the air, and the dog’s wet nose licked my gloved hand, feeling like a gentle kiss.
We discussed our holiday plans as Chris and I walked toward North Union. He mentioned that he and his wife would visit his sister, and I congratulated him on his recent marriage. I don’t notice much difference; I’m just as happy as before,” he said. I replied that their honeymoon should last forever.
As Chris headed home, he was surprised I was out for a walk instead of just making a quick trip around the block. Through the steady drizzle, I told him today marked my 1,303rd consecutive day of walking. Wow, that is amazing! You inspire me,” he exclaimed. I began to explain that I had been walking since the day after my wife’s funeral, but I wasn’t sure if Chris knew I was married. Waving goodbye, I wished him a happy, healthy, and warm Thanksgiving.
Walking is a healthy activity that clears the cobwebs from my mind and has introduced me to many wonderful people I might never have encountered otherwise. As I pick up the pace, I feel myself becoming emotional—uncertain if it’s tears in my eyes or just the rain. I am immensely grateful for all the friends I’ve made along this journey and for their unwavering support. Their presence makes a significant difference in my life, and I can’t thank them enough for being such an essential part of my journey.