How Many Marathons Do I Walk a Year?
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 18 secondsI needed to research the data when I saw a graphic indicating that walking 10,000 steps is equivalent to completing 70 marathons in a year. According to a study by the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, the average number of steps taken during a full marathon is 52,400, while the average number of steps taken during a half marathon is 26,200. Walking 10,000 steps daily, I would complete a 26.2-mile marathon every 5.24 days, or almost 70 marathons yearly.
While I may not identify as a marathon runner, I’ve walked an average of 21,000 steps daily in April, which translates to completing 146 marathons per year. The first week of February was particularly exhilarating. On Thursday, February 8th, I walked 30,639 steps, more than a half marathon in a single day. The rest of the week, I maintained a slightly slower pace but managed to equal or exceed a half marathon daily. This personal journey and progress keep me motivated, and I hope it inspires you, too.
Last Saturday, I participated in the Big Climb and walked 16,086 steps. I accomplished this by incorporating the Big Climb into my morning walk, completing it in eight minutes and forty-six seconds. My pace was fourteen minutes and eight seconds per mile. Afterward, I rested for five days but maintained a pace of 16,000 steps per day.
Through this journey, I have improved my physical health and mental and emotional well-being. I have realized that with unwavering commitment and a strong work ethic, I can surmount challenges that once seemed impossible. Would you be willing to accompany me for a walk and experience these benefits?
My friend,I don’t how u got all the strength to accomplish that …but I am so happy for you !! You have became a model to follow.
Hugo, I am an ordinary man seeking to live and love fully without Jan by my side.
Where do I get the strength to accomplish the daily walks? I have always been a walker; it is my middle name. But why do I walk even when it rains, snows, or the skies are yellow? I have no answer. I could fabricate a tale to share, but the reason still needs to be discovered. The best I can do is to focus on the three incredible gifts God gave all of us: ears to listen, arms to embrace, and feet to walk into the future. Though the future is unknowable, I choose to listen, embrace, and walk into it with strength and courage.
For the record, not that I am counting, today was the 1,086 days I have been walking without fail since I laid my beloved wife to rest.