Illumine My Life’s Path
Kol Nidre Reading Asks the Questions I Need to Answer
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 56 secondsThroughout my life, I have tried to stay on a steady path, even though I have occasionally strayed from it due to my flaws as a human being. However, I always found my way back to my life’s path and continued moving forward. When my wife passed away, it felt like an earthquake, hurricane, and tornado hit me at once, and my whole world collapsed. For a while, I felt like I had reached the end of the road, and I couldn’t find the path again.
Thankfully, I started going on quiet walks beyond what I thought were my physical limits, reading more, and becoming more involved with my faith community. Creating a memorial garden for my wife helped me stay focused during the first eighteen months. As time passed, I was able to form new friendships, rekindle old ones, and live life to the fullest.
I was privileged to read a passage about illuminating our life’s path for Kol Nidre this year. The selection of words amazed me as they reflected my current circumstances. Although I still have questions and need clarification, reflecting on how a few words profoundly impact our lives is inspiring. How shall we come to know the purpose of our existence?” The answer seems obvious, yet it can be challenging to comprehend.
As someone who was part of a couple for almost fifty years and now is alone, I often wonder about the purpose of my existence. While I can live alone indefinitely, I miss having a life partner and soul mate. But as the last part of my reading said, “Be gracious to us, answer us, empower us, and give us courage, for the answers are both in You and with You.” It’s comforting to know that the answers we seek are within us and that we have the power to find them.
The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.
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May the Shofar's Sound Awaken Me!
Kol Nidre Reading Asks the Questions I Need to Answer
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 56 seconds
My Kol Nidre Reading
Kol Nidre Reading Asks the Questions I Need to Answer
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 56 secondsAvinu Malkeinu – Illumine for us the path of our life.
Avinu Malkeinu – How shall we find the strength to take the road less traveled by?
Avinu Malkeinu – How shall we come to know the purpose of our existence?
Avinu Malkeinu – How shall we learn not to live life in vain?
Avinu Malkeinu – How shall we get out of our indifference?
Avinu Malkeinu – How shall we distinguish between truth and falsehood?
Avinu Malkeinu – How shall we find the answers to our questions?
Avinu Malkeinu – How shall we gird ourselves with strength to seek answers?
Avinu Malkeinu – Be gracious to us, answer us, empower us, and give us courage, for the answers are both in You and with You.