Love Generates Quasi-buried Treasures
I Am Married and Still in Love With Jan
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 10 secondsThis morning, I woke up to my Apple Watch alarm and noticed Jan was sleeping with her head on my shoulder. To avoid disturbing her, I hit snooze and attempted to get out of bed quietly. However, Jan asked me to delay my morning walk to snuggle more. Although I had a daily routine to adhere to, I also wanted to spend some time with Jan. We agreed I would take a short walk while she rested. As I left, Jan held my hand and placed it on her left breast, asking if I truly wanted to go. After some thought, I decided to skip my walk and cuddle with her instead. This was a moment I had eagerly anticipated since we first met, but balancing our individual needs required effort.
When I woke up, I held one of Jan’s pillows. Looking at Jan’s photo and the Peace Lilly brought mixed emotions to me. It made me feel guilty about my strange dream and reminded me of how much I love her. These thoughts seemed to come from our past and were buried deep in my subconscious. After picking up a glass of orange juice, I checked in with Siri for my daily briefing as part of my morning routine.
I took a quick trip to the bathroom while I toasted my English muffin. Surprisingly, I saw myself in the mirror and noticed I looked older. After breakfast, I headed to my bedroom to grab my walking shirt. I briefly imagined you lying naked on the comforter as I glanced at the bed. However, upon closer inspection, I realized that the pillow I had held all night was twisted and shaped to resemble a torso. In my half-asleep state, I had mistaken it for you.
During my morning walk, I reflected on the intensity of my dream and how our love deepened over time. Lorrie Moore’s quote, “Love was its little generator of quasi-buried treasure,” filled me with happiness. I felt like expressing my love for you loudly and publicly, like shouting it from the rooftops!
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Quasi-buried Treasures
I Am Married and Still in Love With Jan
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 10 secondsI have completed reading my thirty-ninth book this year, the highly emotional “I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home: A Novel” by Lorrie Moore. This novel is not for the faint of heart as the protagonist, Finn, navigates the loss of his lifelong partner and brother. The quote below resonated so profoundly that I could have written it myself.
“Loss of the heart kills the brain, he had read. Loss of the brain kills the heart. But only eventually. A million love stories demonstrated it! The heart could go on and on. Love was its own little generator of quasi-buried treasure.”
After my beloved Jan’s passing, our shared memories reminded me of what I had lost. The pain was so intense that I even considered researching ways to alleviate it online.
But now, after two years, I am grateful I didn’t give up. The memories serve as a reminder that love is the most powerful and enduring force in the universe. While some memories still bring about sadness, most are cherished mementos of our love, and I know that Jan will always be with me.

Epitaph by Merrit Malloy
I Am Married and Still in Love With Jan
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 10 secondsWhen I die
Give what’s left of me away
To children
And old men that wait to die.
And if you need to cry,
Cry for your brother
Walking the street beside you.
And when you need me,
Put your arms
Around anyone
And give them
What you need to give to me.
I want to leave you something,
Something better
Than words
Or sounds.
Look for me
In the people I’ve known
Or loved,
And if you cannot give me away,
At least let me live on in your eyes
And not your mind.
You can love me most
By letting
Hands touch hands,
By letting bodies touch bodies,
And by letting go
Of children
That need to be free.
Love doesn’t die,
People do.
So, when all that’s left of me
Is love,
Give me away.