My First and Only Marriage Proposal
Sixty Years Later, the World is Different
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 38 secondsThe sound of the phone ringing shattered the peaceful silence of my afternoon. I was caught off guard when Mom told me the call was for me. As I brought the phone to my ear, I recognized the voice on the other end – a classmate from middle school, someone I had only spoken to a handful of times, mainly to discuss schoolwork. But today’s call was different.
Without warning, the voice on the other end bluntly asked, “Will you marry me?” The question left me speechless, scrambling to find words to respond. But before I could answer, the voice on the other end continued, “It’s Sadie Hawkins Day today, and girls can ask boys to dance or ask them out on a date. But…”
My curiosity piqued, I interjected, “But what?”
My classmate’s voice was nervous as she said, “I decided that instead of asking for a date, I’d ask you to marry me.” Her words hung in the air, and I felt a rush of emotions. Shock, confusion, excitement, anxiety – they all swirled within me, leaving me at a loss for words.
After a few moments, I finally found my voice, “Yes, I will marry you.”
Yes, someone had proposed to me when I was fourteen years old. It was 1964, and although it was not a serious proposal, it remains the only time in my life when someone asked me to marry them.
Nearly ten years later, Jan and I decided to get married, but we never formally proposed. However, we knew we were in love and wanted to spend all our days and nights together.
After almost three years since my wife’s passing, I have come to terms with my loss and am hopeful for the future. Love can conquer all, transcending any doubts or boundaries that may stand in its way. As the world continues to evolve towards greater equality, I am excited about the future and the possibility of finding love again.
The Day Jan and I Married!
Sixty Years Later, the World is Different
Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 38 seconds