Lucky Us by Amy Bloom is a book that hooked me on the opening line - “My father’s wife died. My mother said we should drive down to his place and see what might be in it for us.” Having surpassed my Goodreads 2022 reading goal, I wanted a lite, historical fiction book and found this one in the e-library. I enjoyed reading it and highly recommend it.

Joining Hands, Marching Together
On Shabbat, one of our readings is Standing On The Parted Shores Of History.
Jan and I always liked that reading. Eleven months since Jan died, it has new meaning for me.
The closing lines explain the only option to manage my grief.
That there is no way to get from here to there except by joining hands, marching together.
Would I prefer to join hands with Jan and march into a new day?
Alas, that is not possible.
However, Jan’s love and the portion of her soul that remains with me help me get from here to there.
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