Jack: A Novel by Marilynne Robinson is the second book in this series I have read. Previously I read the second in the series, Home, and now I have read the fourth. Without Jan by my side, I read more but not always in order. Fortunately, Jack appears in Home at a later point than is covered in this novel. That provided an understanding of the next phase of Jack and Della's relationship.

Every Day Is a New Beginning
I am an optimist by nature. Since Jan died, my faith has been tested.
Despite my doubts, I wake up every morning, take a deep breath, smile and start as if today will be different.
If every day is a new beginning, why do most days seem like the day before?
How long can I live if life is monotonous?
I wipe away tears that have yet to leave my eyes and proceed as if today will be different. I know that Jan will be with me, and our love will never die.
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