Weather: A Novel by Jenny Offil was a book that I was confused and uncertain if I wanted to finish for the first few pages. I am delighted that I did, and I highly recommend this book. Its brief diary-like dispatches about life in our time when we sense that we may all be doomed to a climate catastrophe made this a book I truly enjoyed reading. The subtext of the rise of right-wing strongmen in the USA and abroad adds to the crisis her dispatches describe.

The Price of Love
When Jan and I met in 1973, “free love” was in common usage.
Jan and I were not looking for a freebie. We wanted someone to share a lifetime of love, devotion, and commitment.
Our dreams came true on one magical night.
As Queen Elizabeth I said about grief,
Grief is not a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith. It is the price of love.
Would free love have avoided grief? No.
Our love was unique and everlasting. Jan is still with me and always will be. If grief is the price of love, I am happy to pay the fee.
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