I remember reading portions of Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl at different times, but I never finished the book. However, recently, eight and a half months after the passing of Jan, the book came up for discussion in one of my groups. Frankl's theory of logotherapy, which derives from the Greek word for "meaning," centers around the idea that the primary human drive is not pleasure, as Freud believed, but rather the search for what gives life meaning. I now have a framework for my life without Jan.

Richard, I Believe in You!
More mornings than I like to acknowledge, I wake up and want not to take my walk and instead spend the day grieving over the loss of Jan, the love of my life.
I repeat this mantra – I Am Capable. I Am Strong. I Believe in Myself – and get up and walk.
It does not overcome every crisis that grief throws at me, but it helps.
I also know that it is what Jan would want me to do. In my darkest moments, I can hear her voice.
“Richard, you are capable, you are strong, and I believe in you.”
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