How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America by Clint Smith. This book was a gift from my son Jon. The New York Times selected How the Word is Passed as one of the best books published this year. Beginning in his hometown of New Orleans, Clint Smith leads the reader on an unforgettable tour of monuments and landmarks—those that are honest about the past and those that are not—that offer an intergenerational story of how slavery has been central in shaping our nation’s collective history, and ourselves.

Kindness is My Secret Power
For most of my life, the adjective used to describe me was “nice.”
I am “nice,” but it does not accurately describe who I am.
It explains how I act and not who I am. It is also about maintaining the status quo.
As Leigh Green writes,
To do kindness is to invest in the betterment of an individual or community, even if that means challenging them and making them uncomfortable. Growth is uncomfortable
When people think of me as “nice,” they often see it as a weakness. Kindness is revolutionary. It is how I have lived my life.
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