Invisible Child: Poverty, Survival & Hope in an American City by Andrea Elliott was a gift from my son Jon. The book highlights the crucial role of resilience, the importance of family, and the cost of inequality. Child poverty, homelessness, and inequality impact all of us. Ending child poverty and homelessness will make us a healthier and more inclusive nation. It is time for a compelling moral call to action!

Nightmare in Cranford!
“You never called me!” the woman on the stretcher screamed. “Who was that? Where are they going?” The nurse said, “That was Jan. She’s going to the hospice.” I raced down after her. The elevator doors were closed, and I ran as fast as possible to the next floor.
The landing was dark, but there were two doors.
I opened the one on the right. Jan’s photo was the first image I saw. Then I saw a photo of us and looked at my ring.
It was a nightmare. Yes, Jan died, but we were happily married.
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