The Swamps of Jersey by Michael Stephen Daigle is the first of the Frank Nagler series. Having read the fourth one - The Red Hand, I thought this was an excellent time to read the first in this impressive deceptive series. It was, in fact, an excellent decision. Understanding Frank Nagler better now, I plan to read the next two and the Red Hand to be ready for the fifth book Dragony Rising.
Stream of Consciousness!
My random thoughts on Jan, love, grief, life, and all things considered.

The Swamps of Jersey

Until We Meet Again
The persistent question in my grief support groups is, have we said goodbye to our loved ones? For me, I never said goodbye to Jan and never will. I did permit her to leave at the end of hospice as she was in so much pain. Jan is with me now and forever. She transformed my life, and together, we lived lives worth living. She is and always will be the light of my life.
Instead of goodbye, my last words to her were, I love you, and we will meet again soon.
Sharing Jan’s Love Because Love Never Dies.

Strolling with an IV Pole
Jan was in the second week, and none of the possible adverse and frightening side effects had occurred. A crucial part of my daily CAR-T visits was strolling the halls several times with her IV poles. We could only walk on her floor as she was in a closed ward. The distance was minimal, but the joy of being together was immeasurable. Continue reading →

Why is Time Confusing Me?
Today, twenty-five weeks after Jan died, my grief feels like the grief time has overwhelmed the time that Jan and I were together.
Our last kiss now seems as distant as the first one.
Katherine May in Wintering offers a clue:
We are in the habit of imagining our lives to be linear, a long march from birth to death in which we mass our powers, only to surrender them again, all the while slowly losing our youthful beauty. This is a brutal untruth. Life meanders through the woods.
Will I ever stop meandering? Will time ever make sense?

White Men Are Eating the Earth
Howard Hansen, also known as Kulell, mentored Frank Herbert, the author of Dune. Hansen, who was raised in La Push in the traditions of the Quileute Nation, succinctly summed up the urgent and pressing nature of the climate crisis. This was according to an essay in The New York Times by Northwestern Professor Daniel Immerwahr.

YWCA Union County Gala Photos
The photos from the YWCA Union County Gala are now available.
These are two of my favorite pictures from the YWCA Union County Gala.

The first one includes Mike, Elyssa, and my grandchild with YWCA staff.
The second one is with the YWCA staff.
Although I will never be able to thank them enough, I will always be grateful to the YWCA board and staff. They loved Jan almost as much I did. If I lived as old as Methuselah, I would never be able to thank them enough for their support and encouragement during her cancer fight.