Every great city has a soul. Some are ancient as myths, and others are as new and destructive as children. But every city also has a dark side. A roiling, ancient evil stirs beneath the earth, threatening to destroy the city and her five protectors unless they can come together and stop it once and for all.

Face Masks Work!
A mask protects us from COVID-19 but can connect us to others. On Sunday, while at Shoprite, I wore the YWCA mask I got at the Gala. Searching for the best cucumber, a woman asked me if I had been to the Gala.
In response to my yes, she asked if I was Jan’s husband. She expressed her condolences and how much she missed Jan, and we agreed that the YWCA gave her an excellent tribute.
After a year when COVID isolated us all, meeting Jan’s friends while shopping was a pleasure.