Richard W. Brown

Stream of Consciousness!

My random thoughts on Jan, love, grief, life, and all things considered.

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The Exhibitionist: A Novel

The Exhibitionist: A Novel

I began reading Charlotte Mendelson's novel, The Exhibitionist, today. The book tells the story of Lucia and Ray, two artists whose marriage starts to fall apart over a weekend. It explores themes such as art, sacrifice, family dynamics, queer desire, and personal freedom. Charlotte Mendelson has created yet another exceptional novel with The Exhibitionist, ranked as the year's novel by The Times of London, and described as "furiously funny."

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All We Need Are Freinds

A Widows Pursuit of Happiness

Dream Walking in Jan's Memorial Garden

All We Need Are Freinds

Patty, Jan, and I are sitting on one of My Wife’s Benches!

On the morning of July 4, 2023, while taking a walk, I pondered what would have happened if one word in the Declaration of Independence had been different. Specifically, the sentence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men people are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

Although it may seem strange, starting my walk thinking about inalienable rights, it made sense. Things could have turned out differently if everyone had equal rights and opportunities throughout history. Though I am saddened by the loss of Jan, I am grateful for my freedom and try to live life to the fullest. As a widow, finding happiness without our loved ones can be difficult. However, a fortuitous encounter with a couple on my route may have given me some insight.

While walking around Hanson Park and along the Rahway River, I saw a couple sitting on Jan’s memorial bench. They looked familiar, so I slowed down and greeted them with a cheerful “Have a happy day!” The woman was drawing a beautiful stained-glass design, and I couldn’t help but stop and compliment her work. We chatted about how lovely the park had become, and they expressed their admiration for the garden and wind sculpture. They even thought we might have met at a park fundraiser before. As we continued talking, I mentioned they were sitting on one of Jan’s memorial benches and pointed it out to them. Seeing their smiles as they read the inscription on the bench warmed my soul.

Finding joy in helping others has always been a fulfilling experience for me. Today, I had the opportunity to brighten someone’s day, which made my heart swell with gratitude. As I walked away from Jan’s memorial, I reflected on the effort to create it and was reminded to appreciate each moment of my life.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Jan’s Memorial Garden

Working with the Hanson Park Conservancy, we have taken significant steps in building Jan's Memorial Triangle Garden at Hanson Park including installing the Wind Sculpture.

Wes is a year old today!

Growing Around Grief to Live Fully!

Smiling Wes and Nick, Help Me Focus on the Future!

Wes is a year old today!

Wes is a year old today!

Today marks my grandson Wes’s first birthday, and seeing him smile fills me with immense joy. His smile reminds me of his grandma Jan, whose smile always delighted me like a kaleidoscope of new images. It’s heartwarming to see that Wes has inherited the same gift from Jan – their smiles are a constant reminder of the love and happiness within our family.

My friends have pointed out that many family members, including Nick and my sons, have Jan’s smile. It has been suggested that I also have her smile. Our smiles were unique and had the power to seal our love in the Book of Life. Although Jan is no longer with me in person, her spirit inspires me to live life to the fullest, despite the ongoing struggle with grief.

Although I find happiness in my grandchildren’s smiles, I still remember the love of my life, Jan. I haven’t found a way to erase my sorrow or replace it with joy, so I will always mourn Jan. However, I have learned to accept my grief and celebrate the future generation while living my life to the fullest. This has helped me grow around my grief, and although it still exists, it doesn’t consume me like it used to.

Reflecting on the past can be challenging but can also serve as a reminder of what truly matters. On this particular day, as Wes celebrates his first birthday, I am reminded that it has been 26 months since Jan’s passing. Though the pain of loss remains, our love endures. Each day, I strive to embody the best version of myself – a kind and compassionate grandparent, a helpful neighbor, and a trustworthy friend. I am committed to honoring Jan’s wishes by living this way.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Wes Jude Has Jan’s Smile

Every time I come across Wes Jude or see photos shared by Elyssa or Mike, I can't help but notice the striking resemblance between his smile and that of his grandmother, Jan. Both smiles exude pure joy and are truly mesmerizing. Jan's smile was always a source of delight for my heart and soul, as it reflected unique and beautiful new images.

Wes's infectious smiles have been a source of comfort during a difficult time and have renewed my faith in the future. He has become integral to my life, and I no longer dwell on the past. May Wes's smiles shine bright as a symbol of hope and love that endure beyond life's challenges.

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Jan and Richard Walking

Why Do I Wake Up Early?

Routine and Ritual Are Crucial to Managing My Grief!

Jan and Richard Walking

Jan and Richard Walking

My friends have been questioning my early morning routine since I’m unemployed. However, I’ve had this habit since my younger years because I highly value structure and daily rituals.

My grandmother raised me while my mother dealt with medical issues. She instilled in me the importance of being an early riser, believing it would increase my chances of success even if I weren’t necessarily the most intelligent person in the room. I’ll never honestly know if her advice was right, but it has undoubtedly impacted my life.

When my sons were teenagers, I got into the habit of waking up at 5:30 am. This gave me enough time to make breakfast, catch up on the news, and organize my day before waking up my wife and sons. It was tough to leave Jan in bed, but I kept up this routine for many years, even after my sons became adults. I continued waking up early in 2019, even when I wasn’t working full-time.

I became her full-time caregiver when my wife, Jan, was diagnosed with lymphoma in August 2019. Early mornings were a way for me to cope with the emotional stress and strain. I knew I needed to get into a routine when I became a widow. I continued to get up early, even on days when it was more like sleepwalking because I didn’t always get a good night’s sleep.

I understood the significance of ritual and began attending Friday services at Temple Sha’arey Shalom every week. Over the past two years, I have only missed three services, and two of those absences were due to my commitment to helping neighbors in need through mitzvahs.

Having a routine and daily rituals can help us overcome grief and live life to the fullest. This is why I woke up early today, not because of birds and worms.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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In Praise of Walking

In Praise of Walking

I recently received a book from my family that combines two interests: walking and reading. The book, "In Praise of Walking" by Shane O'Mara, celebrates the joys, health benefits, and mechanics of walking. It emphasizes the importance of getting out of our chairs and discovering a happier, healthier, more creative self.

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Jan Lilien

Love Generates Quasi-buried Treasures

I Am Married and Still in Love With Jan

Jan Lilien

Jan in Nova Scotia

This morning, I woke up to my Apple Watch alarm and noticed Jan was sleeping with her head on my shoulder. To avoid disturbing her, I hit snooze and attempted to get out of bed quietly. However, Jan asked me to delay my morning walk to snuggle more. Although I had a daily routine to adhere to, I also wanted to spend some time with Jan. We agreed I would take a short walk while she rested. As I left, Jan held my hand and placed it on her left breast, asking if I truly wanted to go. After some thought, I decided to skip my walk and cuddle with her instead. This was a moment I had eagerly anticipated since we first met, but balancing our individual needs required effort.

When I woke up, I held one of Jan’s pillows. Looking at  Jan’s photo and the Peace Lilly brought mixed emotions to me. It made me feel guilty about my strange dream and reminded me of how much I love her. These thoughts seemed to come from our past and were buried deep in my subconscious. After picking up a glass of orange juice, I checked in with Siri for my daily briefing as part of my morning routine.

I took a quick trip to the bathroom while I toasted my English muffin. Surprisingly, I saw myself in the mirror and noticed I looked older. After breakfast, I headed to my bedroom to grab my walking shirt. I briefly imagined you lying naked on the comforter as I glanced at the bed. However, upon closer inspection, I realized that the pillow I had held all night was twisted and shaped to resemble a torso. In my half-asleep state, I had mistaken it for you.

During my morning walk, I reflected on the intensity of my dream and how our love deepened over time. Lorrie Moore’s quote, “Love was its little generator of quasi-buried treasure,” filled me with happiness. I felt like expressing my love for you loudly and publicly, like shouting it from the rooftops!

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Bridges Street to Homes 5K

What is the Meaning of Life?

Walking and Talking in the Morning

Bridges Street to Homes 5K

(L to R.) Richard J. Uniacke, President of Bridges, Alison Bryant, Secretary, and me.

Today, I woke up earlier than usual but felt congested due to hay fever. Despite my desire to sleep more, I resisted and got up when my alarm went off at 5:30. As I left my apartment, I ran into Jim outside of The Gourmet Deli. We exchanged a few words as we do every day.

During a conversation with Jim, he asked me a question I have debated since Jan’s passing: life’s meaning. Although Jim had to attend Catholic morning mass at St. Michael’s soon, I decided to share an answer with him. Instead of delving into the details of the insights I gained from books or conversations with Rabbi Renee, I quoted Charlie Padavano, a character in Hello Beautiful, who gave a similar answer to his daughter Sylvie. He said, “We’re all interconnected and separated from the world by our own edges. Seeing this interconnection reveals the beauty of life.”

After sharing the meaningful quote, Jim and I parted ways at the intersection of Miln and Alden with a cheerful farewell. Despite the humid weather, I felt a sense of light as I turned left and walked away. With Jan by my side, I discovered a new way to cope with my grief that didn’t involve finding a new partner. Instead, I found fulfillment through volunteering, serving on the Board of Trustees of Bridges, making new connections, and actively participating in my faith community’s social action committee. By helping others, I have found purpose and meaning in my life.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Jan Was a Messenger from the Most High

Have you ever experienced the sensation of being lost in life, as if you were trying to solve an intricate puzzle without any clear direction? This is precisely how I felt. It seemed as though I was given a jigsaw puzzle at birth but without a picture to guide me. Some pieces fit together easily, while others appeared misplaced, leaving me feeling disoriented. As I grew older, some parts of the puzzle seemed to change, no longer fit where they were once placed. My life was messy before I met Jan, and I struggled to make things work. While reminiscing about this period in my life, I was reminded of Lawrence Kushner's touching poem "Jigsaw," which provided insight into the meaning of life.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund!

The Exhibitionist: A Novel

Read: July 2023

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The Exhibitionist: A Novel

by Charlotte Mendelson

I began reading Charlotte Mendelson‘s novel, The Exhibitionist, today. The book tells the story of Lucia and Ray, two artists whose marriage starts to fall apart over a weekend. It explores themes such as art, sacrifice, family dynamics, queer desire, and personal freedom. Charlotte Mendelson has created yet another exceptional novel with The Exhibitionist, ranked as the year’s novel by The Times of London, and described as “furiously funny.”

The Hanrahan family is coming together for an important weekend. Ray Hanrahan, a well-known artist with a big ego, is preparing for his first exhibition in many years. His eldest daughter, Leah, is his biggest supporter. His son, Patrick, has decided to pursue his own path. His youngest daughter, Jess, has a big decision to make. Ray’s wife, Lucia, is also an artist but has always prioritized her roles as a wife and mother. She is keeping secrets of her own and must decide which desires to pursue as the weekend progresses and the exhibition approaches.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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All We Need Are Freinds
Wes is a year old today!
Everything's Fine

Read: June 2023

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Everything’s Fine

by Cecilia Rabess

I started reading Everything’s Fine by Cecilia Rabess today, a stunning debut introducing a talented new author. However, I found it easier to decide to read it after reading in the New York Times that some reviewers on Goodreads criticized the book’s premise without reading it. It’s unfair to criticize something after experiencing it first-hand.

On Jess’s first day at Goldman Sachs, she’s disappointed to learn that she’ll be working with Josh, a white conservative she used to argue with in college. Josh enjoys playing devil’s advocate and can be challenging to deal with.

But when Jess realizes she’s the only Black woman on the team and is being overlooked, Josh offers his support in imperfect but meaningful ways. As they develop an unlikely friendship with undeniable chemistry, it eventually becomes an electrifying romance that shocks them both.

Despite their differences, their attraction brings them together, and Jess starts to question whether happiness is more important than being right. However, as the cultural and political landscape shifts in 2016, Jess, who is just discovering herself, must decide what she’s willing to compromise for love and if everything is excellent. This poignant and sharp novel by Cecilia Rabess asks if they will and if they should.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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In Praise of Walking

Read: April 2023

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In Praise of Walking

by Shane O'Mara

I recently received a book from my family that combines two interests: walking and reading. The book, “In Praise of Walking” by Shane O’Mara, celebrates the joys, health benefits, and mechanics of walking. It emphasizes the importance of getting out of our chairs and discovering a happier, healthier, more creative self.

One of the most important insights I gained from this book is that walking can lead to mind wandering, focusing on autobiographical memory rather than the immediate environment. This realization helped me accept and appreciate Jan’s love and move forward with her passion.

The book also explores the significance of walking to our human identity. Walking upright has given us many advantages, including the freedom of our hands and minds. Walking has enabled us to spread worldwide and has many benefits for our bodies and minds, such as protecting and repairing organs, aiding digestion, and sharpening our thinking.

Overall, “In Praise of Walking” inspires us to start walking again and recognize its many benefits to our lives and societies.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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Jan and Richard Walking
Jan Lilien
Bridges Street to Homes 5K
The Spoiled Heart: A Novel

Read: May 2024

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The Spoiled Heart: A Novel

by Sunjeev Sahota

Today, I started reading The Spoiled Heart: A Novel by Sunjeev Sahota. Nayan Olak has been seeing Helen Fletcher around town. She has returned to live in the run-down house at the end of the lane with her teenage son. Though she seems guarded, Nayan cannot help but be drawn to her. He has not risked love since losing his young family in a terrible accident twenty years ago.

After Nayan’s tragedy, his labor union, a pillar of his community, became his refuge and purpose. It was his way of striving for a better and fairer world. Now, Nayan wants to become the leader of the union, a decision that sets the stage for a gripping conflict. His opponent, Megha, a newcomer, is a more formidable challenger than he could have anticipated. Nayan is now in a battle that could redefine his life and community. The differences between Nayan and Megha escalate and threaten the ideals he holds dear. He finds solace in his growing bond with Helen. Unbeknownst to him, their connection is not just a product of their present circumstances but a thread that weaves through their lives, holding secrets that could shatter them. The suspense builds, leaving the readers on the edge of their seats and eager to uncover the truth.

In one sense, The Spoiled Heart is a tragedy in the classic mold, tracing one man’s seemingly inevitable fall. However, it is also an explosively contemporary story of how a few words or a single action, which may appear careless to one person, can be charged for another, triggering a cascade of unimaginable consequences. It is a blazing achievement from one of Britain’s foremost living writers, a vivid and multilayered exploration of the mysteries of the heart, how community is forged and broken, and the shattering impact of secrets and assumptions alike.

Fire Exit: A Novel

Read: June 2024

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Fire Exit: A Novel

by Morgan Talty

Today, I started reading the novel “Fire Exit” by Morgan Talty. The book is the debut novel of the award-winning author of “Night of the Living Rez,” Morgan Talty. “Fire Exit” is a compelling story that explores the themes of family, legacy, culture, and our complex obligations toward one another. These are themes that I have focused on after losing my wife.

The protagonist, Charles Lamosway, lives by a river near Maine’s Penobscot Reservation. He watches his neighbor Elizabeth grow up, from her early days to her twenties, but he holds a secret: Elizabeth is his daughter, a truth he can no longer conceal.

Charles becomes anxious when he hasn’t seen Elizabeth for weeks. As he tries to hold on to his home, look after his friend Bobby and his mother Louise, and grapple with his past, Charles is forced to confront painful memories and ask himself difficult questions. Is it his place to share the secret about Elizabeth, and would she want to know the truth even if it means losing everything she has ever known?

The Secrets we Left Behind

Read: March 2022

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The Secrets We Left Behind

The Secrets We Left Behind by Soraya M. Lane is a historical fiction that raises the question, where were the women after Dunkirk and the fall of France? When World War II appeared to have been lost with a Nazi victory. Ms. Lane watched the movie Dunkirk and then researched that time and the women’s possible roles during that difficult moment in history.

She connected the evacuation at Dunkirk to the Massacre at Le Paradis, fifty miles away, to connect a British nurse and two French women whose strength helps them survive Nazi-occupied France. Three British male soldiers, two of whom survived the massacre and one who escaped Dunkirk, have secondary roles in the novel. 

The Secrets We Left Behind is the story of the three strong women and their efforts to survive the occupation while hiding the three soldiers. This focus on the role of women has been long overdue in history. Ms. Lane, who studied to be a lawyer, has found a career as a writer. The Secrets We Left Behind is the first book I have read, but it will not be the last one by Ms. Lane that I read.

I strongly recommend this book!

The Goodreads synopsis provides an overview of the novel.

How far will they go for family, friendship, and love? Occupied France, 1940. When the staff at a field hospital draw straws to find out who will join the evacuation from Dunkirk, Nurse Cate is left behind. But when the Nazis arrive to claim prisoners of war, she takes her chance and flees into the night, taking one patient with her.

Fifty miles away, the surrendering soldiers of the Royal Norfolk Regiment are shot dead by the advancing Germans. Beneath the pile of bodies, two men survive, crawling to the safety of a nearby farmhouse, where sisters Elise and Adelaide risk their lives to take them in. When Cate, too, arrives at their door with her injured soldier, the pressure mounts.

The sisters are risking everything to keep their visitors safe. But with the Nazis coming ever closer and relationships in the farmhouse intensifying, they must all question the sacrifices they are willing to make for the lives of others. How far will they go for family, friendship, and love?

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The Way of Integrity

Read: February 2025

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The Way of Integrity

by Martha Beck

Today, I started reading Martha Beck‘s “The Way of Integrity: Finding the Path to Your True Self,” a book recommended by my friend Mark. I always appreciate receiving book recommendations from friends and readers of my blog. In her self-help book, Ms. Beck asserts, “Integrity is the cure for psychological suffering. Period.” This book will be invaluable during my early period of grief. I purchased the eBook from Bookshop and plan to do so.

Bestselling author, life coach, and sociologist Martha Beck explains why “integrity”—needed now more than ever in these tumultuous times—is the key to a meaningful and joyful life. As she writes,

This book, as you may have gleaned from the title, is all about integrity. But I don’t mean this in a moralizing sense. The word integrity has taken on a slightly prim, judgmental nuance in modern English, but the word comes from the Latin integer, meaning “intact.” To be in integrity is to be one thing, whole and undivided. When a plane is in integrity, all its millions of parts work together smoothly and cooperatively. If it loses integrity, it may stall, falter, or crash. There’s no judgment here. Just physics.

In The Way of Integrity, Beck presents a four-stage process that anyone can use to find integrity, a sense of purpose, emotional healing, and a life free of mental suffering. Many issues, such as people-pleasing, staying in stale relationships, and maintaining unhealthy habits, arise from a disconnection from what truly makes us feel complete.

Inspired by The Divine Comedy, Beck uses Dante’s classic hero’s journey as a framework to break down the process of attaining personal integrity into small, manageable steps. She shows how to read the internal signals that lead us toward our true path and recognize what we yearn for versus what our culture sells us.

With techniques tested on hundreds of her clients, Beck brings her expertise as a social scientist, life coach, and human being to help readers uncover what integrity looks like in their lives. She takes us on a spiritual adventure that will change the direction of our lives and bring us to a place of genuine happiness.

Other books I have read with a similar theme, which I also recommend, include Man’s Search for Meaning, Climbing the Second Mountain, and The Pursuit of Happiness.

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Great Expectations: A Novel

Read: March 2024

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Great Expectations: A Novel

by Vinson Cunningham

Today, I began reading “Great Expectations: A Novel” by Vinson Cunningham, a staff writer and theatre critic at The New Yorker. David, the protagonist, had seen the Senator speak a few times before my life got caught up, however distantly, with his. Still, the first time I can remember paying real attention was when he delivered the speech announcing his run for the Presidency.

Upon hearing the Senator from Illinois speak, David experiences conflicting emotions. He is fascinated by the Senator’s idealistic language yet ponders the balance between maintaining solid beliefs and making the necessary compromises to become America’s first Black president.

The book Great Expectations narrates David’s experience working for eighteen months on a Senator’s presidential campaign. During his journey, David encounters diverse individuals who raise questions about history, art, race, religion, and fatherhood. These inquiries prompt David to introspect his life and identity as a young Black man and father living in America.

Meditating on politics, religion, family, and coming-of-age, Great Expectations is a novel of ideas and emotional resonance, introducing a prominent new writer.

Study for Obedience

Read: August 2023

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Study for Obedience

by Sarah Bernstein

Today I began reading “Study for Obedience” by Sarah Bernstein. With a robust and lyrical voice, Bernstein thoughtfully examines themes of complicity, power, displacement, and inheritance. “Study for Obedience” is a finely-tuned and unsettling novel that establishes Bernstein as one of the most exciting voices of her generation.

A woman moves to her forebears’ remote northern home to be a housekeeper for her brother, whose wife left him. After arriving, strange events occur bovine hysteria, a ewe’s death, a dog’s phantom pregnancy, and potato blight. Suspicion towards newcomers seems directed at her, and she feels threatened. The hostility grows, and she fears what might happen.

The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.


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