Today, I embarked on the journey of Us Fools by Nora Lange. This poignant and personal American narrative is about two remarkable sisters who, against all odds, come of age during the Midwestern farm crisis of the 1980s. In her debut novel, Nora Lange has crafted a lively, ambitious, and heart-wrenching portrait of two unique sisters determined to persevere despite the harsh realities of capitalism and their circumstances. After a pivotal national election, this seemed like the perfect book to read.
Stream of Consciousness!
My random thoughts on Jan, love, grief, life, and all things considered.
Inspiring One Another Through Love!
Wow, Are You Still on Your Walk? That's Impressive!
As I prepared a quick breakfast consisting of a muffin, a banana, and a scoop of yogurt, I asked Siri for my morning update. When I heard that the temperature was 42 degrees, I felt reassured about my morning walk, especially since the past few days had been brisk, with temperatures in the low thirties. After putting on my Ghost 16s, I stopped by the recycling bin before heading out. The recycling company was moving the bins, but I could drop off my items while the last bin was still in place.
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Neverhome: A Novel
Today, I began reading "Neverhome: A Novel" by Laird Hunt, a critically acclaimed work that has garnered praise for its unique storytelling. The protagonist introduces herself as Ash, which is not her real name. She is the devoted wife of a farmer, yet she has left her husband to enlist as a Union soldier during the Civil War. "Neverhome" narrates Ash Thompson's harrowing journey as she faces the chaos of battle in the South.
Year of Wonders: A Novel
I started reading "Year of Wonders: A Novel" by Geraldine Brooks today. It is a compelling story set in 17th-century England about a village that quarantines itself to stop the spread of the plague. The book is written by the author of "The Secret Chord" and "March," both of which won the Pulitzer Prize. Inspired by the events in Eyam, a village in the rugged hill country of England, "Year of Wonders" offers a richly detailed portrayal of a significant historical moment..
After 42 Months: Dancing to My Rhythm!
Shifting the Clocks Doesn't Affect the Rhythm!
As I slipped into slumber, the clock’s hour hand danced backward, and two a.m. transformed into one a.m., as if time had decided to trick us. This peculiar shift reminded me how we’ve grown accustomed to the biannual ritual of changing our clocks, just as we accept the comforting predictability of Monday following Sunday. When I finally awoke, feeling refreshed and revitalized, I stepped outside into the crisp morning air for a two-hour walk that stretched over six miles. The world around me was awakening, too, filled with the soft glow of dawn, and I was eager to meet my friends Ana and Hugo for a much-anticipated breakfast, where we would share laughter and stories to brighten our day.
A Mercy
Today, I started reading "A Mercy" by Toni Morrison. The acclaimed Nobel Prize winner explores the complexities of slavery in this novel. Like "Beloved," it tells the poignant story of a mother and her daughter—a mother who abandons her child to protect her and a daughter who struggles with that abandonment. "A Mercy" is also recognized as one of The New York Times's 100 Best Books of the 21st Century.
Don't Be a Stranger: A Novel
Today, I began reading "Don't Be a Stranger: A Novel" by Susan Minot, a captivating new work by the author of 'Evening.' Known for her lyrical prose and exploration of complex human relationships, Minot's latest novel revolves around a woman involved in a love affair during midlife. It is a radiant tale that explores themes of erotic obsession, the desire for intimacy, communication, and oblivion, which will resonate with fans of Miranda July's 'All Fours,' a book I have also read.