I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai is a book that, from page one, pulled me into the story and made me believe I was embedded with Bodie Kane as she returned to her boarding school and worked with students to review the murder of her roommate twenty-three years ago. I Have Some Questions for You was more than a page-turner as I was an unnamed participant. I highly recommend this book and, as Ms. Makkai does, buy it at an independent bookstore.

Life and Love Are About Giving!
I walked at a sluggish pace in the morning slush
Snowblowers were far, and few between as the removal was primarily scrapping the remnants of our first snowfall to the curb.
Passing a man my age diligently sweeping his driveway of snow, I stopped to chat with him.
“I thought we would have snow earlier this season.”
“It could have been worse,” I responded.
“I hope it is the first and last storm, as tomorrow is March.”
It was beautiful watching it fall. Each snowflake is unique and complex, but together, the flakes can cover the ground and, when it melts, provide water for our gardens.“
Wishing my neighbor a good day, I continued my perambulation.
As I entered Hanson Park, I had an epiphany as I looked at the snow-covered wind sculpture.
Jan told me numerous times, “Life and love aren’t about what you gain but what you give.
By sharing Jan’s love, I can help my neighbors; what they gain will improve our community forever.
The Jan Lilien Education Fund sponsors ongoing sustainability and environmental awareness programs. Gifts made this month; I will match dollar-for-dollar. All donations are tax-deductible.
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