Today, I embarked on the unique narrative journey of The Sellout: A Novel by Paul Beatty. This biting satire, which revolves around a young man's isolated upbringing and the race trial that takes him to the Supreme Court, is a testament to Paul Beatty's comic genius. The Sellout, a part of The New York Times' 100 Best Books of the Century, is a must-read for those who appreciate a distinct narrative style.
Smiling Despite a Misty Drizzle
Can a Simple Act of Kindness Change the World?
As I was nearing the 7.7-mile mark close to my apartment building, I strolled past the Greatest Brothers Barbershop on Alden Street. I noticed the owner sitting comfortably in the barber chair through the window. As I passed by, he flashed a warm smile as I waved at him. Giving him a friendly wave, I started to finish my walk. However, I couldn’t resist opening the door to exchange greetings. Once inside, he reiterated how much my smile brightened his day. Despite my initial reluctance to accept the compliment, he remained insistent as we shook hands and reiterated how much my smile meant to him.