Today, I started reading "An American Marriage" by Tayari Jones. It is a masterpiece of storytelling that delves into people's souls as they confront the past and move forward into the future with hope and pain. The book, which has won numerous awards and was selected as one of The New York Times' 100 Best Books of the 21st Century, is a must-read for any contemporary fiction enthusiast.
Stream of Consciousness!
My random thoughts on Jan, love, grief, life, and all things considered.
Tree of Hope, Heart of Love
Finding Light in the Darkness
On Monday, I attended the Public Affairs Lecture Series (PALS) for the first time. PALS is a fantastic program that keeps the mind active and engaged, which I find incredibly valuable, especially as I strive to sharpen my cognitive abilities. The Morris Museum hosts the PALS lecture series, which features impressive “canstruction” exhibits constructed entirely from cans. While all the exhibits were remarkable, one particularly captured my attention – “Tree of Hope, Heart of Love” by Solutions Architecture. This creation showcased incredible design and construction skills and offered a deeper insight into the designers’ and builders’ dreams and aspirations.
My Pampered Pinkies
My Feet Float Like Butterflies After My First Pedicure
I lifted my right leg and began carefully cutting my toenails. Despite my caution, I ended up with unevenly cut toes, including my pinkies, but at least they were no longer sharp claws. In the early days after my wife passed away, I neglected this task, and my toenails tore a six-inch hole in the bedsheet as if it was slashed by one of my butcher knives, which left me frustrated and helpless. As soon as I started cutting my other foot, a sudden sharp pain shot through my lower back as I crossed my legs. Despite the discomfort, I managed to finish the task, although my attempt to declaw my foot was ineffective.
How Can I Be a Joyful Widow?
Choosing Joy Despite Loss is the Only Way!
Since becoming a widow almost forty-one months ago, many have stopped asking me how I find joy after such a loss. However, the unspoken question of how I can feel joy still lingers among friends and foes alike. Each day, as I walk, I make it a point to greet everyone with a cheerful “Good morning, have a nice day.”
The Corrections: A Novel
Today, I embarked on a profound exploration of the human condition through Jonathan Franzen's 'The Corrections: A Novel.' It guides us from the heart of the Midwest in the mid-century to the bustling streets of Wall Street and the enigmatic landscapes of Eastern Europe. It's no surprise that it's hailed as one of The New York Times 100 Best Books of the 21st Century.
Five Years After the Fire
YWCA Rebuilds One Brick at a Time
“I was just putting in my eye drops when the fire alarm went off. Oh, great. Now I can’t leave,” my wife texted me at 5:41 p.m. I had been at home getting dinner ready. It was September 4, 2019, and Jan had just had her first cataract surgery. We had also received the news that she had lymphoma. My immediate concern was that she couldn’t drive after sunset due to the eye surgery. Both of us initially thought it was a test of the fire alarm system. Within fifteen minutes, she texted again, “We have a fire on the roof. Go ahead and eat something. I am trying to arrange emergency accommodations for families.”
Hurricane Season
'Hurricane Season' by Fernanda Melchor, translated by Sophie Hughes, is a literary gem acknowledged by the New York Times as one of the 100 Best Books of the 21st Century. The story opens with the discovery of a dead witch in a village, leading to an investigation into her murder. As the novel unfolds, it offers a unique perspective on the lives of the villagers, each narrating the story from their point of view.